One of my dreams for being a SAHM is to be able to take the kids places during the day, especially while we are in the apartment. But every morning, I seem to come up with some excuse as to not really go places. I mean sure we have gone to the apartment playground, gone on walks, to the store (especially Target and Costco), run other errands and even to get their haircut.
BUT taking three toddlers to the zoo, the park, etc, has got me a little nervous. They seem to listen well for awhile then all at once, BAM, they are off in three different directions. And I never know who to go after first.
Well, today, I decided to go for it! I laid out the hand holding rules and the "we are leaving if someone doesn't listen" rule. And off we went, to the interactive fountain at Reedy River Park.
It was better than I could have imagined. We parked close to the fountain, everyone held hands (which probably looks like a momma duck and three baby chicks all waddling together), we played, had snacks, feed the duck/pigeons. AND I even took pictures. Ah, success!!! Now I know I can take them out and about!
Playing around the train tunnel.

Look out for more of our adventures...