October 29 was a beautiful, crisp fall day so I took the kids to the zoo to actually see the animals since all the animals were "asleep" during boo in the zoo. Of course, I dressed the kids all alike in their favorite owl outfits. And everyone I met wanted to know if they were triplets. Although there is an 18 1/2 month difference between the twins and Henry, they are all the same height now and Henry has passed them in some clothing sizes!
Sara and Emily


Looking at our favorite animal- the elephant.

Sara giving Henry a hug!

Playing in front of the waterfall.

Sitting on the bear for pictures!

I really think Emily looks like Ben in this picture.
Emily, Henry and Sara

They couldn't LIVE without these monkeys. I think the zoo should have given them to us because everyone who saw the kids wearing them wanted to know if we got them in the zoo gift shop (which we did). People went and bought their own because of my kids wearing them all around. Sara and Henry never even took them off when we were playing in the zoo playground! Too funny!



Sara and Henry


