Okay- so I have been slack about blogging, but I went out of town right after New Year's to a college conference at Montreat. The kids did not go with me so I haven't had any news to report from them. This week is mainly maintaining the chaos before I leave on Saturday for another retreat at Montreat! And yes, without the kids again. But my husband gets to come along for that one so I am very excited about some much needed time with him.
So... I've decided to do a year in review of all the happenings in our home during 2008.
We bought a new house in January 2008.
Here are the kiddos in the den.

Henry learned how to stand.

Emily looks a lot like me when I was young.

Sara with a not so happy face.

Henry turned one in July.

Sara learned how to play on my computer.

We hugged a lot!

Hugged some more.

We attempted potty training and they did good for awhile.
Went back to pullups during the winter and hope to try again this spring.

We played in a baby pool during the hot Charlotte summers.

Henry discovered our cat, Sasha.

And enjoyed wrestled with her!

The girls liked to sleep almost anywhere.
Even under the bed!

Silly Em... before letting go of the pacifier.
Thankfully, giving those up was a 2008 triumph!

We got messy when we ate.

Henry learned to say "more" with his hands.

We went on a hay ride at Granddaddy's farm.

We made silly faces.

We cheered for the Tar Heels!

We trick or treated in our Tar Heel pride!

We made cookies!

We celebrated Thanksgiving!

Sara and Emily turned 3 in December!

Sasha finally learned to get along with our new cat Cali.

We got a wagon for Christmas.

Not the most exciting year... well, actually it was. How could it not be with 3 kids all ages 3 and under? Life is non-stop action in our home. I am looking forward to another year, anticipating what God has in store for our family. I am sure it is more than I could ever dream of!
Here's to a new year full of good memories, smiles and laughter in our home, joy and fun, and God's constant guidance!
1 comment:
How sweet! I have yet to upload the rest of 2008 pics to the computer....one day. Have fun at Montreat!
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